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Apartment Therapy

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Apartment Therapy has featured many of my home-related DIY projects from recycled to kids to holiday. You can also see more featured DIY projects at its sister site, kitchn.


‘Doing Dishes? Make a Ring Holder From an Egg Carton’

(features my DIY ring holder from a recycled egg carton)


Make a Fabric Baby Gate for Awkward Stairs

DIY fabric baby gate free sewing pattern.
(featuring my DIY fabric baby gate free sewing pattern)


Transform An Oatmeal Container Into A Toddler Toy

How to make an oatmeal container straw game for babies and toddlers
(featuring my Oatmeal container straw game for toddlers)


Mod Podge Your Wipes Box For A Custom Look


Kid’s Travel Toy Blanket


Make Write-On Baby Food Lids In A Flash


Buy & DIY: Chalkboard Pillows Two Ways


How To: Make Napkin Rings From a Cardboard Tube


Polaroid Wreath
