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Lamb Cake Throwdown Contest for Easter

Wilton Lamb Cake Pan

My friend Meg has made a tradition of the Easter Lamb Cake. Each year, she holds a Lamb Cake Throwdown Contest to determine the best decorated Lamb Cake using the Wilton Lamb Cake Pan.

This year I’m entered and I just got my Lamb Cake Pan in the mail. And I may just be crazy because I am so not a cake decorator. In fact, I don’t think I’ve decorated a proper cake for more than 10 years.

I think my strategy here is to make pick a whimsical theme for the decorating part. Lamb dressed as a Bunny? Lamb Peep? Shane suggested something biblical involving blood that I’m not going to describe any further, yeah, not going there. My two-year-old Elise suggested a Monkey Lamb Cake (of course she did).

So readers, please help me out …I’m in a little over head. Any theme suggestions? What icing/decorating tips can you share?


Tuesday 3rd of April 2012

My family has used a pan like that for over 50 years to make a rice-crispie cookie lamb every Easter. It used to be my Grandmother's specialty, now my mother carefully carries it to whichever home she and Granpa visit for Easter.


Thursday 22nd of March 2012

I instantly thought of the phrase "A wolf in sheep's clothing"...reverse it (and of course explain that he is just a young sheep) and decorate him wearing a wolf skin. Yeah, lame I know.

What a great idea for a party, btw.

Melissa Heath

Wednesday 21st of March 2012

Sounds like so much fun!! I instantly thought of a mad hatter themed cake :)


Wednesday 21st of March 2012

how fun! wish i hadn't gotten rid of my pan now :) i immediately thought of a pirate sheep - can you tell i have little boys :)